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When Will the President Target the Domestic Terrorists?

Jonathan Clarke



With its A-rated public schools and housing, low crime rate and a median home value 40 percent above the national average, Allen, Texas is neither rat nor rodent infested. It is, however, home to 21-year-old Patrick Crusius, the man police say became the latest white male to join the growing list of domestic terrorists who gun down dozens of innocent people in public places like shopping malls and Walmarts in American towns like El Paso. Crusius is accused of killing 20 and wounding more than a couple dozen others.

Reportedly, he may be connected with a hate-filled manifesto that lashed out against Hispanics, the kinds of people the President Donald Trump coincidentally lashes out against at rallies, on the White House lawn, in speeches, tweets, and at news conferences.

Unfortunately, there is no wall to keep away the likes of Patrick Crusius nor chants to send him back where he came from — back to ratless, rodentless Allen, Texas.


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