Three Biblical Tips for Living with More Life
Let me ask a question. Does your life feel chaotic, unmanageable, out-of-control? I can relate if that’s the case. Some of us have lived too long in dark lonely caves of hopelessness and despair, feeling that they have not been living up to all God created them to be.
God is the Source of All Comfort
Here’s what I want you to know. God is creative. He created something out of nothing and created us in His image so we too have the ability to bring order from chaos into our lives when we remove any barriers that separate Him from us and restore our relationship with Him. God does not want us to live out our lives in isolation and loneliness; He wants us to know that HIS POWER IS GREATER. A relationship with the Living Christ combined with pursuit of the Kingdom of God by putting first things first is where our hope lies.
God Will Comfort Us in Our Tribulations
I believe the Holy Spirit is constantly seeking to bring others to into a right relationship with God. The quiet inner voice you hear is the Holy Spirit speaking to you. The more you listen and obey Him the more you are brought into the presence of the Lord and His love and power will wash away feelings of hopelessness.
As we read the scriptures, we find that Jesus gives the instruction to ‘be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee’ (Matt. 9:2), indicating that as we truly repent and forsake our sins, we may be optimistic about the future. He said, ‘Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me’ (John 14:1). This belief changes our lives and empowers us. Now, we can say, as Paul did, ‘I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me’” (Philip. 4:13).
God Enables Us to Comfort Others
When you are living in that right relationship with God; you let God take control. And when you let God take away your shame or guilt or anxieties you have more time and energy to be creative for Him and His Kingdom. You have more life in you—you have more God in you!
As you enter this new life in Christ and God is taking control; ask God to heal your spirit so you enter your hopeful new life without carrying old wounds. Confess past sins and embrace God’s forgiveness and peace. If others have hurt you, forgive them. Move forward with a positive attitude.
Rev. Tonya Lambert Boyce is the Executive Director of Eternal Grace Ministries. She is also the host of an inspirational radio show on Joynet Radio,
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