Memphis holds an historic place in the minds of Americans for its role in the push for social justice. When Dr. King was gunned down at...
In the rapid response world of social media, the loudest voices are often the most repeated. But long before tweets and texts, there was just talk. Dick Gregory...
The March on Washington provided a snapshot of the climate of social unrest that defined the country in the 1960’s. TheVillage selected several photos from Argenta...
August 28, 1963 has been defined by many, and in many different ways. It was most surely a culmination of hard labor, and years of planning...
Travel to Washington, D.C. for the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington is much easier for African Americans than it was in 1963. Jim Crow...
New York City, NY – Vickie Newton Rosa Parks is revered as The Mother of the Civil Rights Movement. Nowhere is that distinction more obvious than...
July 28, 2011 Have Black Leaders Lost Sight of Original Goals? Raynard Jackson As the two supposed premier civil rights groups gathered in July for their...