For R. it was simply a matter of curiosity. He knew little about the Greek-letter organizations, but when different fraternities approached him and his friends about...
We believe it is necessary to recalibrate the mind of Americans, as it pertains to the kneeling protest. Consider the following the next time the President...
Right in the thick of the nation’s growing racial divide, history insists we remember the nine Black teenagers known for their bravery in the face of...
Charlottesville and The National Youth Summit 2017, Dr. Christi Griffin “Detroit” and Its Impact on the City, Rev. Lonnie Peek Pack Up for Fall, Travel Blogger...
The faces of young African Americans have flooded social media as they assume their role in the struggle that predates them. Who are these young leaders?...
The choir at Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Bearden, Arkansas sang joyfully Sunday morning. A close-knit church family connected by belief and often bloodline, several of...
The new museum dedicated to those killed during the terrorist attacks on September 11th is being described as moving and compelling. United Airlines Flight 93 attendant,...
It was one of those crystal-clear mornings that seemed to promise only good things. Americans rushed into it going to work, the airport, the places they...
This year’s hurricane season is already one for the history books. As residents in Texas and Louisiana begin rebuilding their lives after Hurricane Harvey, those in...
Right up until the final minutes, organizers of the 1963 March on Washington were busy. The March brought Americans of all races, regions, and religions to...