A few days ago I left my stale efficiency apartment in Little Rock, heading to the Delta (for the first time) for what I thought would...
In the wake of the United States electing its first African American President there was another phenomenon being birthed, or more accurately, reinvented: the Tea Party....
African Americans have a long and courageous history as members of the nation’s Armed Forces. From the Colonial history to present day, there have been African...
I stopped to get gas this morning at my local Mobil gas station on Detroit’s Westside. While pumping my gas I noticed a thirty-something black male...
Travel the Mississippi River through western Wisconsin today, and you’ll meander past small towns that seem barely touched by the passing of time. Life moves at...
I can recall quite vividly some years ago asking my wife why she was so dreading a mammogram? “After all” I said, “ it’s just a...
Effie Jones Bowers-Hatten is a warrior for civil rights, America, and the voiceless. Her willingness to stand in the face of adversity began when she was...
HAMPTON, VA – The rainy weather did not put a damper on Hampton University’s Homecoming festivities in Hampton, Virginia. Hundreds of alumni, students and staff still...
The fight against breast cancer for Sabrina Gulley began while she was on a church trip five years ago. “I woke up and looked in the...
The statistics for Black women and breast cancer demand a consistent campaign to inform and treat. According to breastcancer.org, it’s estimated 12 percent of women in...