By Dr. Lance McCarthy A few months ago, I had the pleasure of sharing my economic development research in a TED TALK. The topic was “African...
Rev. James Johnson: Removal of South Carolina’s Confederate Flag Pastor Cedric Jones: TheVillage Verse Village Doctor, Dr. Diane Marshall: Immunizations/Stress Eating Contributor De’Carlo Collins: Bill Cosby/America’s...
Marc Morial: President of The Urban League, Summer Employment God’s Squad: Gospel Rap Rev. Dr. Robert Scott: TheVillage Verse Village Doctor, Dr. Diane Marshall: Fourth of...
One week after a 21 year-old man opened fire at the historic Emanuel AME Church in Charleston killing nine including Pastor Clemente Pinckney, members held their...
Elder James Johnson: Friend of Slain Pastor & State Senator Clementine Pinckney Mary Moore: National Correspondent Village Contributor Mondale Robinson David Coleman: History of Emmanuel A.M.E...
Marc Morial: President of The Urban League, Summer Employment Corey Isabel: Founder, Upbeat TV Ken Wade: Domestic Violence Village Doctor, Dr. Diane Marshall: Healthy Relationship
Middle school and high school teachers in Dollarway’s School District are already back in the books. They spent four days recently reviewing test scores and planning...
Fathers’ Rights Advocate David W. Coleman: A Father’s Family Affair Celebration Ron Busby: President of the U.S. Black Chambers, Securing Capital Richard West: TheVillage Verse Melanie...
Educator Earl Martin Phalen of Phalen Academies: Summer Learning Teresa Timmons/Shamburger: Cultivating the Arts Camp Gloria Love and Paula Fletcher: Little Rock Chapter, Links Incorporated Fundraise...